IN3’s Gender and ICT (GenTIC) research group —along with the INSPIRE Project Consortium— is pleased to invite you to the Workshop «INSPIRE training sessions on the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) Tool» to be held on May 29 and 31 via Zoom.
29/05/2024 - 31/05/2024
Organized by
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, IN3's Gender and ICT (GenTIC) research group along with the INSPIRE Project Consortium
Aimed at individuals working on gender equality in academia or other organizations who have no previous knowledge of the design and implementation of online surveys, this workshop consists of 2 training sessions dedicated to Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) tool. The GEAM tool is an integrated environment for carrying out survey-based gender equality audits in academic organizations such as universities or research centres. Its primary aim is to provide those working in or interested in gender equality with a tool to collect relevant data to better understand existing intersectional inequalities within their organization and to monitor progress over time.
Participants will receive a practical introduction to the effective monitoring of gender equality data, covering both employee and student experiences at the organizational level.
Day 1. Wednesday, May 29: Session I: «Introduction to the GEAM & Key Concepts»
The first session will introduce the overall GEAM framework, its purpose, main components of the employee questionnaire and the student questionnaire, and application scenarios. Several members of the GEAM development and support team will be available for Q&A.
*NO limit on the number of participants for the general introduction to the GEAM.
Day 2. Friday, May 31: Session II: «Hands-on techical practice»
The second session will provide hands-on training for setting up and customizing a GEAM questionnaire.
*Limited to 20 participants.