In Spain, foreign nationals from countries where Spanish is not the official language are required to take a language test when applying for Spanish nationality. Is this exam the most appropriate testing measure? Kamran Khan, a researcher with the Language, Culture and Identity in the Global Age (IdentiCat) group has conducted an analysis of this test and will question its application and repercussions in a talk which will take place at the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona on 27 September at 5pm.
The UOC is set to participate in Catalonia's European Researchers' Night for the second year running, in a day-long programme of events organized for the general public aimed at raising awareness of the research being conducted and highlighting its importance and impact on society. On Friday 27 September, more than 300 European cities will be simultaneously hosting a series of informative activities (free, walk-in events) to promote science and knowledge transfer, and the UOC is getting involved with the following activities organized in and around Barcelona.
More information about the UOC activities in this link.
University of Barcelona
Organized by
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya