CareNET Research Seminar: "Putting Emotions to Work"

The research group Care and Preparedness in the Network Society (CareNet) of the IN3 is pleased to invite you to the open seminar "Putting Emotions to Work: The Role of Affective Disablism and Ableism in the Constitution of the Dis/abled Subject" by Laura Sanmiquel.



Room EPCE, 2nd floor, 22@ building
Rambla del Poblenou, 156
08018 Barcelona


01/04/2019 15.00h

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Research group CARENET of the IN3


Title: Putting Emotions to Work: The Role of Affective Disablism and Ableism in the Constitution of the Dis/abled Subject


By conceptually framing disability under the lens of the Foucauldian apparatus, this work applies dis/ability studies to examine the constitution of the disabled subject by exploring how ableism and other axes of oppression (such as ageism and heterosexism) intersect in everyday situations of affective disablism. This seminar illustrates these processes using four narrative productions with men and women who are disability rights activists or community rehabilitation services users. A two-pronged analysis that combines structural and subjectification process analysis suggests that: (i) participants who deviate from the able-bodied norm are constituted as ‘impaired’, ‘immoral’, ‘supercrip’, ‘unproductive’, ‘(un)reproductive’ subjects or as ‘objects of care’ within disablist situations; (ii) ableism intertwines with different axes of oppression; and (iii) becoming an activist contributes to one’s constitution as the ‘subject of rights’, although such process is fraught with tensions. 

Who: PHD candidate, Laura Sanmiquel

I got a BA in Psychology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2017, after completing the dissertation “Sujeción, des-sujeción y subjetivación del cuerpo discapacitado. Entre el orgullo, la vergüenza y la superación”. This work was my first contact with Disability Studies, and explores how the currently available disability models influence how “disabled” people construct their subjectivities. Afterwards, I approached Critical Disability Studies while taking the Master's Degree in Psychosocial Research and Intervention (2017-2018). During that school year, I co-authored the work “Performando la dis/capacidad: límites y potencialidades de la producción de conocimiento encarnado mediante la etnografía performativa”, which has been presented at the IV International Congress of Anthropology AIBR in September 2018. In July of 2018, I defended my Master's Thesis titled "Putting Emotions to Work: The Role of Affective Disablism and Ableism in the Constitution of the Dis/abled Subject", which I am presenting at this seminar. This work continues to explore disabled subjectivity, and emphasises the importance of affects in the constitution of the "disabled subject". In September 2018, I started a PhD in Social Psychology at the UAB, and obtained a FPU grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. My current research focuses on problematizing the "transitions" that happen during the advent of a "disability" and, especially, the so-called "adjustment to disability". My aim is to produce valuable knowledge, so that the professionals who tend to disabled users during these transitions do not reproduce ableism.  

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