The research group Care and Preparedness in the Network Society (CareNet) of the IN3 is pleased to invite you to the open seminar "Putting Emotions to Work: The Role of Affective Disablism and Ableism in the Constitution of the Dis/abled Subject" by Laura Sanmiquel.
Room EPCE, 2nd floor, 22@ building
Rambla del Poblenou, 156
08018 Barcelona
01/04/2019 15.00h
Organized by
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Research group CARENET of the IN3
Title: Putting Emotions to Work: The Role of Affective Disablism and Ableism in the Constitution of the Dis/abled Subject
Who: PHD candidate, Laura Sanmiquel
I got a BA in Psychology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2017, after completing the dissertation “Sujeción, des-sujeción y subjetivación del cuerpo discapacitado. Entre el orgullo, la vergüenza y la superación”. This work was my first contact with Disability Studies, and explores how the currently available disability models influence how “disabled” people construct their subjectivities. Afterwards, I approached Critical Disability Studies while taking the Master's Degree in Psychosocial Research and Intervention (2017-2018). During that school year, I co-authored the work “Performando la dis/capacidad: límites y potencialidades de la producción de conocimiento encarnado mediante la etnografía performativa”, which has been presented at the IV International Congress of Anthropology AIBR in September 2018. In July of 2018, I defended my Master's Thesis titled "Putting Emotions to Work: The Role of Affective Disablism and Ableism in the Constitution of the Dis/abled Subject", which I am presenting at this seminar. This work continues to explore disabled subjectivity, and emphasises the importance of affects in the constitution of the "disabled subject". In September 2018, I started a PhD in Social Psychology at the UAB, and obtained a FPU grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. My current research focuses on problematizing the "transitions" that happen during the advent of a "disability" and, especially, the so-called "adjustment to disability". My aim is to produce valuable knowledge, so that the professionals who tend to disabled users during these transitions do not reproduce ableism.