The Equality Unit is made up of a specialist team and an advisory team, consisting of nine members from the fields of research, teaching, administration and the student body:
- Manel Jiménez-Morales, President of the Equality Unit
- Maria Olivella, President of the Equality Unit
- Inés Rein, Specialist in the Equality Unit
- Mar Graell, internship student in the Equality Unit
- Fenix Navarro, internship student in the Equality Unit
- Anna Clua, advisory member
- Mònica Falqués, advisory member
- Bettina Steible, advisory member
- Aurea Mota, advisory member
- Rachel Palmen, advisory member
- Mireia Castillon, advisory member
- Raul Gotor, advisory member
- Anna Nebot, advisory member
- Gina de Tera, advisory member
- Vicente Justo, advisory member
- Mirela Fiori, advisory member
What does it mean to be a member of the Equality Unit?

External Link
The Equality Unit works in the following areas
2020-2024 Gender Equality Plan Coordination Space
Gender Equality Plan monitoring and assessment committee
Inter-university networks
- Network of Gender Equality for University Excellence (RUIGEU)
- Women and Science Committee of the Inter-university Council of Catalonia (CIC)
- Universities for Diversity Network (RUD)
- Gender group of the Vives Network