Educació i TIC (e-learning)

Responsive Teaching and Learning Processes and Outcomes in Online Education

This research area investigates the various teaching and learning processes that take place in online environments as well as their effects on learner outcomes. Research issues such as how to tailor and fine-tune online teaching to learners’ needs, how learners culturally appropriate knowledge, and the effects of instruction on learners’ performance. Interaction and communication in formal and informal learning scenarios would be the core mechanisms for analysis throughout all kinds of ICT technologies. The results of the teaching and learning processes will search for adaptable decisions and actions that make these processes reliable. The three main areas of research are (but not limited): 1) instructional design of online tasks, materials and tools, 2) e-assessment methods and the provision of effective feedback 3) learning support and efficient student patterns and profiles.

Propostes de tesi:


Dra. Anna Espasacoordinator
Dra. Teresa Guaschcoordinator
Dra. Rosa Mayordomo 

Grups de recerca:
Ed –Online Research Group 

This research line focuses on:

- Characteristics and nature of feedback and its impact on students’ learning.
- Peer feedback and students learning.
- Feedback and collaborative learning.
- Feedback and learner engagement in online environments.
- The use of different channels to give feedback (audio, video, written): strategies and conditions to improve dialogue for learning.
- Design of formative assessment and the role of feedback.
- Feedback and feedforward and its implementation.
- Academic writing as a learning tool in online learning environments and scaffolding supports such as feedback.
- Formative assessment, feedback and teacher workload.
- Feedback and self-regulation of learning; feedback and socially shared regulation.
- Feedback and assessment in MOOCs (massive open online courses).
- Assessment and feedback on quality processes at institutional level.

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Dra. Elena Barberà  
Dr. Armando Cortés
Dr. Margarida Romero

Grups de recerca:
e-DUS Research Group

A critical aspect of any effective retention and attrition reduction programme in online learning is an efficient learner support strategy. This research area aims to develop an educational framework and corresponding mechanisms for online and distance learning within the context of education for sustainable development (ESD) and global citizenship education (GCE). The framework proposed is inspired in the idea that nowadays students should not only reach excellence in literacy and numeracy, but also should be educated to succeed in work, life and citizenship (21st-century education). Thus, the final objective is to encourage changes in students' behaviours and lifestyles that allow for a more sustainable and just society for all.

The main research issues include but are not limited to the following areas: 1) operationalization of non-educational frameworks that promote ESD and GCE for online learning environments; 2) creation of educational quality indices to measure human development in online education; 3) learner support strategies in life skills education as a bridge to human capabilities; and 4) the impact of culture on the development of human capabilities in online education.

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Dr. Atanasi Daradoumis 

Based on a study that examines the way Waldorf education can contribute crucial perspectives for the evolution of a development-oriented media education (, this research topic aims to explore in depth from both a pedagogical and empirical point of view the research questions that have arisen: What does this mean for daily teaching practice? What is the relationship between the new challenges and proven Waldorf traditions? From what age should we deal specifically and consciously with electronic media? How can they be used meaningfully and creatively in lessons? What skills are important in the use of media and at what point does it makes sense to learn to handle certain skills with children in the various fields of media competency? The aim of this research would be to investigate these (and other) research questions in Waldorf schools in one or two specific countries and possibly provide a comparative study with other Waldorf schools or other types of education experiences worldwide. 

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Dra. Christine Appel
Dra. Gisela Grañena 
Dra. Laia Canals

Grups de recerca:
RETELL Research Group

This research line focuses on second language teaching and learning in blended and virtual environments using innovative teaching methodologies. Research topics include, but are not limited to:

  •  Computer-mediated communication
  •  Computer-assisted language learning and teaching
  •  Telecollaboration and interaction
  •  Learning design, including OER and MOOCs
  •  Individual differences in second language learning
  •  Teacher training focused on online and blended environments

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Dra. Gisela Grañena 

There are increasingly more technologies that support computer-assisted language learning. While these are necessary developments, there is a need for technological options that go hand-in-hand with pedagogical and psycholinguistic considerations. This line of research investigates the effectiveness of different pedagogical interventions on L2 learning in computer-assisted language environments. For example, task design, types of corrective feedback, and instructional methods. The ultimate goal is to identify those variables that have the greatest impacts on L2 learning in computer-assisted language learning environments.

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Dr. Atanasi Daradoumis 

This research will involve an experimental study with the aim of developing a new educational paradigm that combines imagination-based pedagogies with an adequate help of technology that can influence the development of students' emotional intelligence. In particular, this project will investigate how teachers can design and apply imagination-based teaching methods which, accompanied by appropriate emotion management abilities and supported by effective technological environments endowed with emotion awareness, as well as emotional and cognitive feedback capabilities, can contribute towards a healthy social-emotional education and media competency. The designed framework will be applied in practice, in specific case studies in Primary or Secondary education settings, providing full and detailed experimentation with all elements that constitute the framework as well as with all the agents involved (teachers, students and technology).

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Dra. Iolanda Garcia

This research line is devoted to the study of the processes, methodologies and tools for designing and co-designing learning scenarios and experiences in a broad sense. The objects of study are learner-centred and are therefore aimed at responding to learners’ needs and interests, while at the same time gradually granting learners control of their own learning.

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Dra. Anna Espasacoordinator
Dra. Teresa Guaschcoordinator
Dra. Rosa Mayordomo 

Grups de recerca:
Ed –Online Research Group 

This thesis proposal includes:
- Assessment for learning
- Relationships between  teacher’s training and changes in performance
- Teaching skills in online environments
- Relationship among  teaching presence, social presence, cognitive and metacognitive presence in online environments

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Dra. Teresa Sancho, coordinadora 
Dra. M.Jesús Marco 
Dr. Julià Minguillón 

Grups de recerca:
LAIKA Research Group


This research line uses data analysis to find and analyse indicators in order to measure the relation between the student's academic achievement and, for instance, the tutor's use of educational interactive (online) tools. We also analyse the influence of the educational personal feedback in the learning process and the relevance, for instance, of the emotional factors in this process. This analysis also includes the study of appropiate personalised feedback tools to formative assessment, specifically in the context of learning by competence like rúbrics and portfolios, among others. This research line has a special interest in analysing the relation between the students profile with the dropout in online courses related with the educational tutors feedback process.  

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